Thursday, November 27, 2014
Head injuries
I frequently encounter patients suffering from head injury, mostly involving minor wounds of an accidental nature. The relatives and friends are often anxious, one might say justly since a head injury can have serious consequences.
The link below has some helpful tips on how to recognize the more serious injuries and what to do.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Shift work bad for the brain
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Sex: myths and facts
Friday, October 17, 2014
5 tips for discussing Ebola with children
- Stick to the facts
- Reassure them they are safe
- Explain to them the difference between where you live and Africa
- Reinforce the need to look after their health including the importance of hand hygiene
- Take the opportunity to teach them some facts on geography, biology, and science
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Ebola outbreak status
Friday, September 26, 2014
The digital chaperone
Dr Paul E. Shannon muses in his blog whether the time has come to introduce some sort of digital chaperone.
He links his concept to Google glass, through the following blog post.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Antibiotics: to prescribe or not to prescribe?
A survey carried out in the UK sheds light on doctors' prescribing habits.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Four tips for coping with depression
Some quick advice on how to help yourself if you think you are suffering from depression.
-Be more active.
-Face your fears.
-Avoid too much alcohol.
-Develop a routine.
More information in the link below.
Saturday, August 09, 2014
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Shot at!
Yesterday evening somebody decided to play around with an airgun in the vicinity of Gzira Health Centre. A couple of shots rang out...then a bang and the noise of a ricochet. One pellet entered through an open window, hitting a cupboard door, passing within a whisker from my face before tumbling harmlessly on the floor. I shudder to think what would have happened had the trajectory been slightly different....
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Kif inħarsu saħħitna fis-sajf
Ir-raġġi tax-xemx għandhom effetti fuq il-ġilda tal-bniedem. Dawn narawhom meta din tismar, jew inkella tiħmar wara ħin twil fix-xemx. Filwaqt li suntan tista' tkun sabiħa u attraenti, wieħed irid iżomm f'moħħu li r-raġġi tax-xemx jistgħu jikkawżaw kanċer tal-ġilda. Għalhekk wieħed għandu jieħu l-prekawzjonijiet neċessarji li huma:
- tiġi evitata x-xemx bejn il-ħdax ta' filgħodu u t-tlieta ta' wara nofsinhar
- jintlibes kappell
- jintlibes nuċċali tax-xemx
- jintlibsu ħwejjeġ ċari u mhux issikkati
- tintuża krema kontra r-raġġi tax-xemx (sunblock) li tkun adattata għall-ġilda tal-individwu (ġilda ċara teħtieġ protezzjoni iktar qawwija).
Is-sajf ipoġġina f'temperaturi għoljin li l-ġisem tagħna jirrispondi għalihom billi jipproduċi l-għaraq. L-għaraq jgħin biex it-temperatura tal-ġisem tibqa' kostanti. Dan it-telf ta' likwidi jrid ipatti għalih ix-xorb ta' likwidi. L-aħjar li jinxtorob hu ilma frisk (mhux kiesaħ) f'ammont ta' madwar żewġ litri fil-ġurnata. Jekk dan ma jsirx il-persuna tista’ tiġi dehydrated, tinżlilha l-pressjoni u saħansitra jħossha ħażin.
It-temperaturi għoljin tas-sajf ikollhom effett ukoll fuq il-moħħ. Bosta nies ikunu irritabbli jew apatiċi f'dan l-istaġun, probabbilment minħabba nuqqas ta' rqad, jew irqad ħażin. Ġranet twal u sħan inaqqsu mill-irqad. Fil-ġranet tas-sajf wieħed għandu jnaqqas l-impenji ta' xogħol, jew jekk dan mhux possibli, jiżgura li l-mistrieħ tiegħu jieħdu.
- Jagħżel bajjiet fejn l-ilma jkun nadif. Portijiet u marinas għandhom tendenza jkollhom ilma baħar imniġġeż biż-żjut u ħmieġ ieħor tad-dgħajjes. Għawm f’ilma mniġġeż jista’ jwassal għal infezzjonijiet fil-ġilda.
- Ma
jkunx prużuntuż. Mhux kulħadd għandu l-istess abbiltajiet fiżiċi, għalhekk
għawwiema mhux esperti għandhom jevitaw bajjiet fejn l-ilma huwa fond jew
- Ma
jimxix ħafi lanqas fuq il-bajja. Bosta huma dawk li jweġġgħu saqajhom għax
jaqtgħuha ma’ xi biċċa ħġieġa mkissra, jirfsu fuq ġamar jikwi, jew
jitniggżu b’siringi mormija.
L-ewwel ħaġa li wieħed għandu jagħmel biex ma jingidimx hu li jiżgura ruħu li jmur jgħum f’bajjiet li ma fihomx bram. Wieħed jista’ jikkonsulta ma’ siti meteoroloġiċi jew rapport tat-temp biex jara d-direzzjoni tar-riħ. Jekk ir-riħ ikun jitfa’ ’l ġewwa r-riskju li jkun hemm il-bram jiżdied. Illum hawn ukoll siti fuq l-internet li jagħtuk mappa, aġġornata kuljum, ta’ fejn qiegħdin il-bram. Titwila lejn il-baħar qabel wieħed jinżel hija wkoll importanti.
Il-konsegwenzi lokalizzati ta' gidma ta' brama huma uġigħ li jiżdied fuq medda ta' għaxar minuti, ħmura, ħakk, nefħa, bżieżaq li jistgħu jkunu mimlija b'likwidu ċar jew materja, u ulċeri. Rarament il-gidma jista' jkollha wkoll konsegwenzi serji u ġenerali bħal żieda fil-produzzjoni tar-riq, disturbi gastrointestinali, spażmu muskolari, disturbi respiratorji u problemi kardjovaskolari.
Il-kura ta' gidma ta' brama għandha tibda billi l-parti tal-ġisem affettwata tinżamm ma tiċċaqlaqx u wara jiġi applikat il-ħall (dan biex ma jibqgħux ħerġin iktar labar mit-tentakolu). Għandhom jiġu evitati ilma ħelu, alkoħol, ammonja, u bleach għax dawn jistimulaw it-tentakoli biex jisparaw iktar labar.
Li jmiss hu li jitneħħew xi tentakoli li jkun għad baqa’ mal-ġisem. Dan għandu jsir b'kura, preferibbilment bl-użu ta' ingwanti u pinzetta. Wieħed għandu joqgħod attent li t-tentakoli jiġu merfugħa 'l fuq u mhux mimsuħa. Huwa wkoll siewi li l-parti tal-ġisem affettwata tiġi mqaxxra minn xi suf jew xagħar.
Il-pass li jmiss hu li jsir kuntatt ma' tabib biex dan jagħti parir dwar xi ingwenti jew pilloli li jistgħu jkunu ta' fejda.
Monday, May 26, 2014
An autistic child
The other day a mother brought her five year old daughter to the clinic.
"Doctor, my daughter has a sore throat, I'd like you to check her out please"
As I was about to get up to examine the girl...
"Please note that she's autistic...examination might be tricky."
As two nurses and the mother struggled to hold the child down I glanced at the the mother. Her expression spoke of the endless sleepless nights, of the worry for the child's health.
Autism is a huge challenge for the child, and more so for the parents and carers. Though the cause is as yet not precisely identified, research is ongoing as this article in National Geographic shows.
Edit (September 2019): A reader of this blog recently brought to my attention the relation between people with ASD and the internet. In today's world the web is ubiquitous and naturally everyone has some form of interaction with it...including persons diagnosed with ASD. The following are some guidelines to help those with this condition navigate safely this sea of information. Thank you Mariya Klorova.
Internet safety for people with ASD
Thursday, May 22, 2014
The dangers of (too much) tea
While sipping my afternoon cuppa I chanced upon an article on Pubmed...a case of tea overdose.
A lady was complaining of loss of appetite and weight loss to her doctors. They could not find a cause for her symptoms and in the end suggested she cut down on her two litre per day tea consumption. Her symptoms improved and she regained the lost weight.
The readers with a medical background might be interested to know that the only laboratory abnormality was an elevated CA 19.9.
Original article here.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
This has nothing to do with medicine...
Monday, May 19, 2014
Gluten sensitivity
Gluten sensitivity is a condition where patients experience gastrointestinal upset in response to exposure to gluten in food.
Now researchers seem to be doubting its very existence after carrying out further studies. More details in the link below.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
More on electronic cigarettes
Recently I posted on electronic cigarettes, link here.
A letter in the New England Journal of Medicine provides further insight. Its gist is that nicotine is highly poisonous, and since e-cigarettes contain nicotine in solution they can be a cause of serious poisoning.
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Does size matter?
A recent study suggests that it does.
Watch video here
For those interested to read the original research paper please click the link below.
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Electronic cigarettes
The jury's still out on these. What's sure is that they're very popular. This is how they work.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Ten types of patient
During my work I come across many people, with different personalities. These in turn affect the way they present their problems to me. I came across this article which describes the various types encountered in the clinic.
Read it here.
Thursday, April 03, 2014
How Facebook might have saved a little girl's eyesight
A mother posted a photograph of her daughter to Facebook. Some users highlighted to her that one of the girl's eyes looked funny. The mother, after a visit to the doctor, was told her offspring had Coats' disease. Full story here.
This disease is a rare disorder that affects the blood vessels at the back of the eye and can cause blindness.
More on Coats' disease in this link.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Diabetes: Prevention of bruising at injection sites
Some useful information for diabetics on insulin.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
It's interesting to note, now that warmer months are slowly approaching, how mosquitoes seem to select their targets.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Preventing HIV transmission - new developments
A recent study has suggested that a gel can be used by the female to prevent HIV transmission after sexual intercourse.
More details in this link
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Bringing people back to life
Read it here
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Contact lens for diabetics
Google is working on a contact lens that can measure glucose levels in tears. Readings apparently can be taken as often as once per second.
Full story here
Friday, January 10, 2014
Winter blues
In order to meet the qualifications for a SAD diagnosis, according to the Mayo Clinic, an individual must be show the following:
- depression and other symptoms for a minimum of two consecutive years during the same season.
- depression-free periods following episodes of depression
- unexplained behavior and mood changes.
Read more: Seasonal affective disorder: who suffers what's the best treatment |
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Promising cancer research
Scientists at Cornell University, in the US, have designed nanoparticles that stay in the bloodstream and kill migrating cancer cells on contact.
Full BBC article here