Mobile phones emit a form of radiation called radiofrequency energy. This energy can be absorbed by tissues close by, causing the cells to use up glucose more rapidly.
This phenomenon has raised concerns regarding the possibility this radiation might cause cancers. Several studies have been undertaken in this regard, most of which have failed to show an association between mobile phone use and the risk of getting cancer. Nonetheless studies about this potential risk are continuing.
Individuals concerned about exposure to this form of radiation can take steps to reduce exposure, namely using mobile phones for as short a time as possible and when a landline is not available, using an earpiece, and limiting the use of mobile phones by children.
1 comment:
Radiofrequency energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation can be categorized into two types: ionizing (e.g., x-rays, radon, and cosmic rays) and non-ionizing (e.g., radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency or power frequency).
Exposure to ionizing radiation, such as from radiation therapy, is known to increase the risk of cancer. However, although many studies have examined the potential health effects of non-ionizing radiation from radar, microwave ovens, and other sources, there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk.
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